Member Spotlight: Shannon Nash

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By Debra Bruno
March 20, 2017

Shannon Nash 美国民主党在全美50个州和80多个国家都有成员.C. Bar正在开始一个常规功能来介绍组成我们社区的人. 阅读你的同龄人,他们的生活,他们在世界各地的工作.

永远不要让人说,香农·纳什(Shannon Nash)错过了一个做点不一样的事情的机会.

The lawyer, tax specialist, certified public accountant, and entrepreneur—who started her career in D.C. 澳门赌场官网事务所——把她四处奔波的生活变成了一系列的工作和其他的冒险. 


Several years ago, she opened an actors’ lounge in Atlanta.

Earlier, she was based in Switzerland, 她在安进公司的内部工作需要她去法国吗, Spain, and Italy.

如今,46岁的纳什是旧金山Cumulus Media公司的财务副总裁.

她认为她的背景为她以后的一切奠定了基础. 她曾担任Cooley LLP(前身为Cooley Godward)的风险基金和税务澳门赌场官网,并担任K&L Gates LLP (formerly Kirkpatrick & Lockhart).

“在澳门赌场官网事务所的最初几年是无价的,因为它们提供了培训. They teach you to think and to communicate,” Nash says.

When her husband, Bill, a former Navy lieutenant, 获得了洛杉矶生物制药巨头安进公司的面试机会, she tagged along. In the middle of her husband’s interview, 他打电话给她,让她打车去公司的办公室.

“I thought they were trying to convince the spouse,” she recalls, since the job required a move to the company’s Lucerne, Switzerland, offices. But when she got to the Amgen offices, 她发现自己与税务部门的负责人坐了下来, and, ultimately, was hired along with her husband. “It was crazy—I was totally ambushed,” she says.

Nash spent two years working for Amgen in Switzerland. “在这一点上,我的思维完全开阔了,”她说. “我遇到了很多不同背景的人.” Not only that, 但她的内部法律顾问工作需要她前往安进有业务的其他国家.

在瑞士的这些年让她认识到了自己. “When I came back to the U.S. in 2005, I realized I am a completely different person. I am no longer a person who works at a law firm. 我有很多很棒的经历,它们都不是传统的澳门赌场官网经历.”

在瑞士之后,纳什和她的丈夫降落在洛杉矶. Around that time, their 18-month-old son Jason was diagnosed with autism, which was “challenging” in many ways, she says. 她加入了今天被称为“自闭症代言人”的组织. (纳什说,最近,她很少参与自闭症问题. 她的儿子现在快19岁了,正在参加一个高中毕业后的过渡项目.)

她说,面对儿子的残疾也是纳什进入娱乐圈的原因. 工作时间更灵活——娱乐圈的人往往起得晚,工作到很晚, 也就是说她可以一大早带儿子去做心理治疗. 她去了黛比·艾伦舞蹈学院工作,从事财务和人力资源方面的工作.

通过演员、舞蹈家和导演艾伦,纳什结识了几位朋友. “I got introduced to everyone. Like, everyone.纳什还说,艾伦教会了她自信,给了她在娱乐圈的信誉. 

When her husband’s next post was in Atlanta, Nash realized that the city, which was in its infancy in the entertainment world, was about to become a center for film production, 所以她在那里的几家制片公司做财务工作. 在这个过程中,她加入了圣汐传媒,参与制作 Colored My Mind, 这是一部关于自闭症的纪录片,聚焦于有色人种的父母——包括纳什——它在2013年戛纳美国馆获得了“最佳纪录片短片”. 该公司随后根据这部电影成立了一个非营利组织,并将纪录片的版权卖给了BET/Centric.

纳什还参与了一个名为“绿屋”的演员休息室的创业活动. “That was so much fun,” she says, “but at the end of the day, running a business like that requires you to be there 24–7,” and the lounge closed. For future reference, she notes, 她会选择一个可能不那么中心但能提供更好停车的地方.

The family eventually moved to San Francisco, where they are now based, and where Nash added radio to her skill set. 积云传媒在全国90个市场拥有454家电视台. 在Cumulus的旧金山分公司,纳什还负责人力资源部. 她指出,澳门赌场官网的身份有助于解决就业法问题.

目前的一个挑战是,积云传媒正处于破产的边缘, 上个月,一名联邦法官驳回了该公司最近的再融资计划,该计划将减少其2亿美元的债务.4 billion debt load. “The industry is definitely in flux,” Nash says. Other radio giants have even larger debts, she adds.

Meanwhile, Nash is looking toward the future. 她说,她的最终目标是进入一家营利性公司的董事会. 在旧金山,她加入了Hipower,一个帮助女性走向成功的组织. 她说:“你需要做不同的事情来规划你的道路。. 这让她意识到,与传统的澳门赌场官网工作相比,为多家公司做内部工作和财务咨询对她的帮助更大.

“如果你的最终目标是成为公司的高管, you need to have these experiences on your résumé,” she concludes.
